HomeOrganizationsScreenwriters: beware of cults and trade schemes

Dear subscribers: One type of writing, is screenwriting. It is unique, from all other types of writing.

And while method is taught by the best teachers in academic settings, there are also cults that target this generation of Hollywood writers. So writers beware. This post is about that.

You may have reached a pinnacle – a time where you endeavor to do legitimate business through your writing.

Through my education career, I was flanked by people who share the same professional interest as I. That’s because in the academic setting, the competition is stiff. To distinguish myself, and based on development factors, I modified occupational focus.

Setting out initially to become a director of the actor,
I found very strong reasons to veer away from that noble profession.

Some of you may be familiar with psychology. Psychology permeates every single industry in America today. It can be used to good ends, and unfortunately also sinister, exploitative, ones.

One can use psychology, in an evil way that seeks domination; stalk-hunting all the way to end game. Or, it can be attempt to exploit, through a scam.

I’ve mentioned a tool before to you, that directors have learned. It’s a system that was designed many years ago. When respected for its potency, and used in good measure, actors performances can be enhanced. Directors have a most unique responsibility when deploying such
methods, in order to illicit the best possible performance from an actor without hurting their dignity.

The actor must have talent (in his or her own right), for the tools to work properly. The tools can be learned, there is no question about it. But, the director has to be guided with a keen sense of morality for the whole thing to work to sensible and good outcome.

Writers for stage and screen, are like book authors; and, hopefully like great thinkers. But, the script is not a novel. It incorporate behavior, action, interaction, specific direction, (among other) in a practical balance between directing and storytelling.

Those who buy scripts are either biased, or more unbiased, as they read beyond page 10 of any scripts.

Now, I introduce you to the threat of cults. Cults seem to historically be an American phenomenon. Often, they use religion as a guise. But, make no mistake, America is clearly not the only stage for any cults that exist today.
Terrorists make up the reactionary point (on a sliding scale) of cult severity. Today, many Christians in parts of Africa and elsewhere, are their targets.

Writers require free independent thought, protection of free speech, means of exhibition/distribution, and just about anything else that celebrates freedom – delivered by free and moral means.

Cults in the US that target writers – use the following strategy (step-by-step). So, beware fellow writers:

1. chide traditional school taught writers; and suggest that they are uncompromising, unfamiliar with new business models, out-of-touch, diva, or idealist.
2. discredit the value of their education and place of education either by painting the education as elitist, ethnically non-diverse, or outmoded.
3. persist in creating doubt as to the work’s value, in order to subject the writer to a state of weak mindedness.
4. despite viability of product, do not promote best works; to establish psychological dominance over the writer and increased his or her desperation.
5. create the illusion of an ability to supply decent deals (eg. 10 offers that all sound winning, but, only 1 might lead somewhere with potential viability).
6. suppress free though and oversee a dependency; allow just enough deals through, to certain favored-members of the club (using a few legit partners).
7. maintain the organization’s own paradigm for business. And, own philosophical framework or ideology: systems, coaching, cult membership dues perhaps, (which in itself reduces you to consumer status as opposed to producer of content which you are). That then becomes the economy, in place of actual motion picture deals that could have taken place during all that time, without all that hassle and bull.
8. They cast themselves as the new benevolent gate-keepers.
9. The organization achieves cult status, after one of its members wins an Oscar or Emmy etc., attends fancy parties, is talked about. A few of these persons then arouse jealously among the other members who are slaving away at it just the same.
10. brainwashing of its membership – requiring dues payments, point systems rather than money, reward and punishment mechanisms, thought control.
11. further discrediting of traditional writers educations, that truly are the most prestigious; credible authors.
12. convincing of its members an allegiance to the cult, by capturing endorsement quotations for advertising purpose. Total domination and subservience – with reward, for positive image advertising and public relation schemes.
12. through contests, reward and punish certain members of the cult through recognition, denials, or story/idea lifting.
13. promote certain material to the above-ground “real” industry; boycott other materials.
14. subverting of true thought diversity, while claiming to support diversity of narratives.

Representation of unique, challenging, or subversive speculative written word is often defeated, ignored, or blocked. Why? Because, funding is risk averse. And that is true even in the above-ground industry.

What is a cult?

There’s a reason why it’s difficult to get into a merit-based American film production program as UCLA, NYU, USC; and why its very easy to affiliate oneself with a cult, conversely.

Getting into such school (and finishing it) is not merely based on a simple application.

Some years ago, some American women cried out against a subjection to unrealistic beauty image. Specifically, one of their complaints was to call out the practice of image air-brushing (which made models’ bodies more slim than they actually were) for magazine and advert photos.

What’s interesting about this, is that technology had to be used in order to surpass natural beauty, in a way that made the already otherwise acceptable image of beauty seemingly irrelevant and obsolete.

Now, was it so much that men were defining the image of beauty? Perhaps so. But, what I am pointing out here, is that the very psychology of women and their self worth was assaulted.

Business can be conducted with natural beauty.

Never mind, that enough good men were saying “you look lovely dear.” Rather, mind, that enough men were evidently saying that even lovely women were not lovely enough. This is such a lie.

Here in America, we have a mega industry that is hinged on one lie: “that you are not good enough”. Deficiencies are made up. This does not mean that we ought to celebrate ugliness (or abandon improvement
and aspiration); but we need to keep realistic perspective. And, “gatekeepers” need to take risks, where risks are rather minimal and potential gains are rather great.

Let’s point out some of the more commonly seen deficiency-projecting, industry tactics:
1. self-help and psychology books (though good when sought out in moderation by one’s own initiative) crowded bookstore shelves.
2. religious gurus tell you how to find nirvana if you’ll only study their methods.
3. some medical “doctors” tell you that you are ill even if you may not be, or are definitely not.
4. brands tell you what to wear and how to look, establishing dependency and fashion needs.
5. motivational coaches market you podcasts, audio books, and books that are centered on your lack.
6. financial advisers market their systems and finance products in your hopes of getting rich.

Friends, these six examples all have 1 materialistic tactic in common – people looking to sell you product. That doesn’t make what all of them do entirely evil. But,

Before they can get you to do what they want you to do,
they have to first chisel away the academics of all established and credible industry. Coupled with that, they have to convince you that you have a deficiency.

You don’t have a deficiency, but they create one. They convince you that their own perception is not warped.

Then, when your esteem is weakened, they prey upon you. They get you to buy more.

Once you do, you become locked into a fake and captivating economy. It’s the ultimate “black market” of “The West”. It’s an ill that has spread all around the globe for decades. Other countries, imitate the same model for decades too with varying degrees.

In some disciplines, there is a reason why so few writers
will ever divulge the secrets to their writing success.

Generally, with all knowledge, ancient cultures guarded their secrets. Knowledge was dispensed in careful ways. The finest universities carry on with similar methods, thereby preserving our culture from decimation and extinction. But, not all universities are alike; American ones cost students a lot of investment.

Today in America, we live in a culture where the false premise that everyone (he or she) “can do anything they set their heart on” is largely believed. It’s a myth, that some politicians use. In a general concept, that is motivational; and inspiring. So to moderate degree, it gives all people hope that we are free. But, in truth, not everyone can achieve the same level of proficiency in one discipline, as the next person might.

In the arts, you might get to film school. There’s a reason
why it’s so tough to get into one. There’s also a reason why so few even attempt to get into one. But, finishing it is no simple task either.

If you want to waste your time with some cult, well you might be participating in “something”; but you might be hugely deceived.

You might be a writer who is naturally gifted, in which a
film school education would not harm you, but might hardly help you (just the same).

In screenwriting, there has traditionally been an interest at the top, in promoting the underdog. That could be in promoting the writer from some down-and-out urban area of the USA. He or she might have just enough
tenacity and talent, to have his or her work reach the right desks of persons. Or, he might not even require much grooming at all – as executives seek him/her out based on reputation alone. He could be “a raw talent”.
Still, he would need help getting his words on paper, up onto the screen, and ultimately that big fat check in his own pocket.

If the film were to flop, even if not his fault, that could be the end of this career however. And a cult can seize on that, exploiting a weakness in industry practices. If one’s script is among a stack of 100 scripts (in an office somewhere) it could take more years than one would like to get done. So prestige matters. If you graduated from the big schools, your odds are much more in your favor.

The classically trained writer might be less talented than a “raw talent”? But, might have a more prolific career than the “raw talent”.

The point I’m making, is not that there is only one way to
be writer. Or one way to become one. Rather, that today, we are facing mind control tactics. Theater goers wish to see interesting and new material. We want to explore
scripted material that takes chances, is truly diverse, that challenges our minds, that takes us on journeys.

We don’t want writers to be manipulated by cults, doctors, or groups that seek to subdue talent. These groups aim to weaken writers; and then to make puppets out of them. This is an unrequited desire for their service.

So, we’ll not participate in their contests or cults. We’re better than that.

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