This is the site for diverse business purposes of my company. [PayPal account number is:].
This site contains the company's objectives, mission, artistic products (publications, journal, books, audio), and also collects donations for further monetary emission to partners.
Stories are also featured here, e.g. where spec screenwriting agents can initiate contact with my company. Click Here, For This:[ Screenplay Mill ]
Scripted product is offered to production partners (ie. financier or studio) for licensed use; and, is welcomed from certain foreign country (countries). (This could include short-form sketch, or, long-film).
This site also has complete short narrative products (retail) for download to your device. They include audio-books (recordings) for children and family, & picture-books (mail order). Click Here, For This:
It's recommended that you use a standard PC screen, to explore this site best (as opposed to a smart-phone or tablet device; though tablet device is satisfactory).
Original movie reviews and journaling of many topics are published regularly, dating back for more than a decade. Its content is restricted to paying member subscribers. For more details, scroll down on this page and find the wpress.cfonseca160/blog/ (URL). It is an attached 'Wordpress' blog, with subscription service for my patrons.
This site also serves to exhibit. At least one of my university thesis projects (from film-school, TV-school, digital new-media school) is exhibited from here free of charge. Christian media is also intermingled with "G", "PG-13", "PG", and/or even "R" - themed content. This is real-life content; yet clearly advertised as distinct to suitable audience.
My company accepts donations; Donate US taxed money as benafactor (while maintaining your anonymity... to stay off mailing lists) to good-will projects. Familiarize yourself with the rest of this page and also 'Company Profile' page. There is a format, which I outline for you, in processing your incoming money.
My company informs; and, my business is multi-faceted... FILM-SHORTS.TV! Originally conceived to broadcast short, indie, student film and video projects, the direction of my company changed - but the name did not.
It remains today, a multi-functional publishing company, based in southern California. Published & maintained by me [UCLA's film and digital new-media school graduate (TFT) (theater, film, and television)] - president of, licensed to do all that I do with it.
THE FREE THEATER PAGE : featuring 2 f i l m d i r e c t o r s f r o m UCLA (graduation year: 1 9 9 9) . This link takes you to the exhibit. It is for those of you who want to see what student films can be. Anyone who might be interested in enrolling into a major film school somewhere in the world, can view my work as an example. Unfortunately, some of my works were lost while I was a student, could not be gathered or transfered to specific media, or could not be featured here for another reason. Be also advised, that curiculum is rigorous. I participated in many media projects. Also, I interned while concurrently enrolled in Letters Arts and Sciences at UCLA Undergraduate Department, and, the distinctly separate School of TFT. For more details about the rigor, please do be sure to visit the "Disclaimer" page for some more specifics. Especially, if you are considering a similar career path.
Note about exhibition. (Regarding music licensing): If my use rights for music re-use have expired, please contact the company for discussion in resolving any miscontent you may have as the artist or artist's representative. The short films are usually otherwise displayed with assumed permission. No claim to composition or authoring of them is made by this company. No advertising revenue is being collected by showcasing these songs in my work, and no claim of any ownership of them is credited to anyone other than those who produced the music. Note, that student films require director and producer to have requested use by way of letter and through the school's administrative prompting for thesis projects of this kind in the USA (typically).
THE COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS PAGE : Selling original downloadables and files: original screenplay(s), original children's books, original children's audio stories, cooking recipes, theatrical stage-show reviews, essays....
If you are not interested in shopping, nor subscribing to my movie reviews & blog, and you are rather coming to me because of your interest in being a benefactor, then READ here:
If you are a donor, read below for more details about how to donate more than 20$ at a time. Using my for-profit company status, I collect your donation. Your donation is not disbursed to 3rd party organizations for charity until after US taxation has completely cleared. This means that typically one year must pass before I can distribute funding. You select the category of need. See details below or inquire by using contact details found here at: Company Profile.
**************************** ****************************
A link here for you, to my 'Wordpress' blog. The blog is indicative of my personal politics, observations, commentary, and has functioned as a guide to world-leading politicians. And to others like you who may simply take interest in the topics of the journal. This URL , serves as the announcement for newly published posts in real time. You can register your email address at the page for future notifications (not subscriptions though; simply notifications). The posts are not able to be read from that URL; however, you can click on the link and be redirected to the real page. Upon registering at the real page, you will then choose a username and password. Then, you can log in and read posts.
(At '' you can click the 'follow' button (little gray button - bottom right of the screen). After you have input your own Email address there and clicked on that little gray button, you will then receive auto-notifications without charge... each time I publish a new post for my readers. Now, professional movie reviews are available to those who subscribe, at one of four pricing tiers. Note, that in order to enroll in the subscription services for movie review reading (and many other variety-topic posts), you need to follow the link at '' to the main external page. Click on any of the newly published URL's to reach the external site, for further details. Each time that you wish to read a new posting, you will be required to 'log in' and to 'log out'. Subscription duration is your choice; and subscription can be renewed at your chosen frequency (or allowed to lapse). You can also choose from most affordable to higher-tiered pricing that provides cost saving value to you over time.
Find more links below.:
Prologue (platform)
Film school was for us, an incubator for political awareness, with disciplinary skill and creative relationship formation. There, film craft was passed on as analogue systems grow scarce. Understanding for the formulas behind US movie making (emphasizing story), the anchored history, and the emerging market platforms began to take firm root in us. It was the science behind mainstream and experimental movie making with multi diciplinary work and emphases, in the production disciplines and uses of technologies.
Rebel, the late Jim Morrison, pioneer F.F. Coppola, and a great number of others, leave enduring marks on this school's public image and reputation... but not only that. The school has given way to global collaborations and the newest generations continue to graduate. I am one of those alumni. Many of the films you know and love, were made by people who graced stages and screens for many past years; and continue to do so here. And, I invite you to explore my website fully!
Please, if you are posing as a reputable donor (but you are not one), do not bother to entangle me in your scams. Reputaion and character matters. If you make fictitous gestures of help, then you are going to harm your own reputation.
Send your questions to me!
While my company accepts donations and routes % 's to other organizations, specific Christian organizations in the USA, and other pre-approved, personal, favored, organizations, who meet needs at the State and national level, remember that I am a private business owner accross various industry. I/we also donate to others, based or operated outside of the USA, among selected few.
Another choice, of your benefactor status, is to donate to my company fully 100% for my organizations' profit. If you donate small value, use the "donate" button and write in a description for me (as you would on a check's memo line). You can also elaborate, or inquire, in email messaging to me. For small donations, write "patron of" [to distinguish your gift from a donation that would otherwise be furthered to 3rd party recipient(s)]. These types of donations are usually small gratuity, collected through 'PayPal' or personal check. You may mail a standard check at any time to my company mailing address, for any assistance to me. If you have a large donation that you wish to entrust to my company, see the instructions below near the bottom of the page, entitled : DONATIONS. We can discuss bank account information, for bank-to-bank wire-transfers. And, thereby exchange method and banking info including SWIFT info.
If you've been directed to or invited to my site in search of movie development, Screenplay Mill is for AGENT(S). Please see!
With so many content choices today on cable, satellite, air, radio and more - be sure to note that this site is not a "channel" or a "station". No! I do not have that intent any longer. Rather, this is a commercial tool that serves as described. While containing political information, note also that this site is not for any political campaign nor does it serve as a personal campaigning tool. None of the donations received by this company are collected for US political endeavors or lobbying. Rather, for charitable purposes only; and strictly so. I am not financing anyone's campaign nor am I collecting funds for political campaigning of any kind. Any donations that are made lawfully, must meet the guidelines that are mandated for private, for-profit, business entities.
If you are a 3rd party publisher... a "show-caser" like "Microsoft Bing/movies", or "YouTube", I invite you to purchase my other domain which I had reserved and registered over a decade ago: ! Any group (company) with web-content broadcaster ambition, is welcome to inquire of this very strong name brand: ! Maybe you are already a successful broadcaster, but wish to acquire this domain name for added name recognition. Much of today's artistic content is aired free of charge, but your company may be interested in the paid content sector; and, so this domain name would be perfect for many organizations of such type, who also endeavor to engage in aired advertising.
Note: (the site you are on now) is not for sale, but "" is! If you air short films, this might be the domain name for you! I can no longer do it myself.
Note: If you are not a serious buyer, do not apply. Questions about sale and domain transfer can be answered by: "sedo".
So, in the spirit of both indie film & large-budget (or even huge-budget) studio film making, please enjoy my site's information, product(s), personal testimonies such as director's notes, film recommendations, and ALL THAT YOU WILL FIND AT THIS SITE.
1. 'Gala' - celebrity news and photo (German language publication)
2. My blog - in-depth contemporary world events' analysis; and other more trivial matters that I comment about:
3. film-shorts' retail clothier - If you experience any online shopping difficulty, send your email message to me, so that I can endeavor to help you. My shop is a 'partner shop', only, which means that it is hosted and owned by: I do not own 'Shirtcity' . However, I should be informed if you experience trouble with purchase. The products are made available; some have been designed by me. My shop can only accept 'PayPal' transaction processing, despite my suggestions of permitting other methods of pay. However, quality of product is good. If you have transaction issues, contact 'shirtcity' (English-speaking, by phone and online text) - for customer service. You can submit help-tickets, online. Notify me of such contacts, so that I am aware of your experience and encounter. 'Shirtcity' extends shipments to several countries.
A NEWLY added shop, headquartered in Southern California, will be supplying me with shirt printing additionally. I have a new line of designed product. I am making them available to Orange County cities of California, customers, only. You must pay via PayPal and supply your Californian shipping address. I'm taking orders for my products accepting US Dollars. Subscribe to my blog, to find those special-edition shirts! Specific original designs will be advertised there, periodically. Products, include mens' t, womens' t, youth t, infant/toddler merch, towels and bags.
Check out my ticker/scrolling-advert-bar, here, for some of what my site offers you (as already described):
Donations are accepted as you click on the yellow donate button. Your donation is collected at: [PayPal account number:]
Collections are categorized as 'for profit' with the US tax boards - is not a 'non-profit' organization; and your donations are not tax deductible as might be to a 501(c)(3). You write-in a brief description, on each personal transaction (eg. "patron of"). If you experience any currency difficulty, notify Do not use this Email address for SPAM or SCAM! You may always contact me if you experience any error messages while transacting. Transactions are placed by 'PayPal', using SSL security and encryption. Your contribution per transaction, should certainly not exceed 999.99 (US Dollar value) when using this method of donating. I advise that you mail a check for any amount up to 500.00 (US Dollar value). Donations will be subject to 'PayPal' scrutiny to combat money launder. Be certain that you have read the most recently updated of these terms with their company and understand my terms, posted at my site here, before making a donation or payment. Especially, if you have concerns about donating in this manner and method. And, it's also wise to notify me via Email, first, that you are going to make the digital donation, wire-transfer, or check donation, later. If you want % of funds to go to a charity with my assistance, you must specify on your 'PayPal' transaction (& in the memo line, as you donate, 1 of 3 category chosen). Simply write 1 of 3 category choices named. The 3 categories to choose from are simply: poverty, public health, or arts & humanities. (I will select the organization of my choosing, within your specified but general category). Make sure that you print your generated transaction receipts always, to verify that you made the donation to me. (60% of each post-taxed, transacted amount, will be furthered by me to assist a charitable non-profit organization with a USA headquarters, in your specified category; and, from your principle amount). The remainder of that donation, will be my company profit. 60% is the default percentage, unless you leave no direction as to %; or, unless you leave an amount in a last-will to me, in which I will choose %. Donations that you intend for me to forward, must exceed 500.00 USD if each is intended for a charitable 3rd party organization beyond My business is properly licensed and I have experience.
If you do not specify a category on a transaction, 100% amount will be deemed as intended to be directed to my company profit; and, I will file income taxes accordingly. Checks, wire-transfers, and wills, must be addressed to my name. Digital donations can use my name or company name. Thank you for recognizing the costs of operating business, of online broadcast, of exhibition, of maintenance, of paperwork, of email correspondence, and for seeking to partner with me!
For inquiry as to how to transact in a bank-to-bank international transaction, I am ready to assist you with that information.
Remember to print your receipt(s) in all instances, so that they can be provided to 'PayPal' and me, or to any relevant party. I will not return any funds you donate back to you, nor to your select beneficiaries. I choose the organization. You must specify the principle amount that you are donating and await for me to confirm receipt of it to match your record on your end. I do not supply public disclosure audits to benefactors. Your donation will require 1 year to lapse, before I forward to the 3rd party charitable organization. Receipt copies that I receive from those organizations (who receive the final destination of funds), can be supplied to you per your request via Email, once I have the final moentary destination organization's receipt. If they do not provide receipt, I cannot provide it to you either. I require receipts for my tax purposes as well. Any donations made can be discussed with me via Email. Especially, if you would rather donate using a bank-to-bank wire transfer.
Purchases -Downloadable Products etc. are featured at the online store. (Click link from menu, titled): DIGITAL BOOK, PRINT BOOK, DOWNLOADS & CD STORE
Do you want my list of some notable films? -You'll find a list of highly recommended movies on my site. [It's my version of the AFI "greatest of all time" list].
If you want to be an amateur movie reviewer, visit: ''. At one time (and I believe still they do), they allowed members (us) to enter a social-networking site to discuss movies and pick favorite ones. Once you create a user profile for yourself there, and once you've logged in, you can create an avatar and then become someone's fan and buddy in the community! Why? To see some of other people's movie reviews and to write reviews of your very own. Currently (at one time) over 800 visitors had read my reviews posted at 'fandango'. Unfortunately, there's no compensation scheme in exchange for review writing. Type my name "chrisratesmovie" (that was my handle) in the user "search box", to find my reviews that 'fandango' has posted at their site years ago. Now that I offer reviews on my own site , I check in with 'fandango' almost never; but, have fun with it yourself if you want to! They're also a good source for looking up showtimes, buying show tickets, researching storylines before going to a theater, etc. When I was a teen and young adult, "moviephone" was the way to check movie schedules.
*some of my very-most favorite movies remain unmentioned (on this site or theirs). Sometimes, a movie is more personal than one might wish to recommend to the public and to patrons.
Some "friendly" (safe) American "old-timer" TV stations which often feature film classics (or student works of art) that I can recommend to you, are:
TCM (Turner Classic Movies), AMC (American Movie Classics), KVCR, KLCS, KCET
I do enjoy many of the cooking shows that are aired on the weekends. Check KLCS. I think they still have a great cooking-show lineup.
Contact your local cable or satellite company to inquire these channels. Or find them on air, with your local digital-receiver-antennae!
I know, many of you stream from providers such as 'Netflix', or similar. But, there are different ways to get great content these days. And, probably, eventually soon-to-come is the whole V.R. (virtual reality "world"). This is all passing me by my friends.
I still enjoy DVD format, myself. CD's; and, even turntable vynil.
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